

As a medium of global spread and conversion

"The greater and more persistant your confidence in god, the more you shal receve what you ask."

- Saint Albert the Great​​​​​​​* 

The above quote from Saint Albert the great (died 1280) is a prime example of the reward-punishment thinking that ruled the church, and made the argument for joining so strong.

Suchismita, Sen. Animated Map Shows How Christianity Spread around the World. YouTube, Business Insider, 14 Aug. 2015, Accessed 18 May 2021.

Colonialism is the force that sealed the Catholic Church into its status as a dominant world religion. Colonialism came in force in the 14th century, when the Church already held extreme power in Europe, but little worship outside Europe. Colonialism encouraged exploration and conquest, and manufactured an environment where groups of natives felt powerless against a larger, more unified, invading force. This created a feeling of powerlessness, repentance, so then to hear that these invaders feared an almighty force above them created awe and terror of god, plus practical pressure from the invaders.

Depiction of the Spanish colonists arriving in the New World (Image retrieved from Pre-Revolution Timeline 1400s, America's Best History,

Image retrieved from: “How to Win Friends and Influence People: Medieval Bishops Edition.”, 8 Apr. 2014, 

Natives were put in an extremely difficult position, they were defeated by small armies with superior weapons, then threatened with the wrath of a being to which those armies knelt. In "exchange" for abandoning their traditional culture, they were given freedom from the extreme and rampant persecution. For many it was a small enough price to pay. Once enough individuals in a community had made the switch the pressure was even greater, having many voices say something makes it sound more credible, in addition to the further prosecution that inevitably happens to shrinking minorities.

Colonialism was fast moving though, so another facet of the doctrine of the Catholic church was responsible for keeping the reign of the church over these places, even after the colonizers had moved on to continue colonizing more 'new' places. Heresy was strictly punishable in the church, and even in lesser cases being labeled a heretic could sour community relationships, and ruin business, this meant that people who had made a Faustian bargain with god earlier in life now had to remain devout, with even higher punishments for dissent. Inevitably some of these people would become parents, and would then be forced to indoctrinate their kids with these foreign beliefs, cementing the church in every nook that was even once colonized.

*Translation from:  Hayes, Stephen Tromp Wynn. “ORTHODOX MISSION METHODS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY.” June 1989.